Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday Fill Ins (a bit late)

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Friday Fill-In #81

1. If I could be a fly on the wall I would ______sometimes_____.

2. Jealousy is not ___my thing____.

3. When I see a shooting star my wish would be that___people I love saw it too_________.

4. I'd rather be___watching waves__ than ___in waves__ any day!

5. Certain songs when I hear them make me wanna ___"pull your skin like wrapping paper round my heart"~ Elvis Costello___.

6. If time were in a bottle ____ I'd sip it slowly in a hammock under the shade of the mango tree_________.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to __seeing Billy___, tomorrow my plans include ___picking up Cyrus from camp! and roasting marshmellows while watching the moonrise over the water at the poperty__ and Sunday, I want to __dance (but I am going to clean my house for guests instead)___!

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