Quirky Meme
Mention six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them. Go to each person's blog and leave a comment that lets them know they've been tagged. If you participate, let the person who tagged you know you've posted your quirks!
I saw this meme on Sandra Dodd's blog and brought it here. So I wasn't tagged, and doubt I will tag anyone else, but I liked the idea of thinking about what might be quirky and boring (although I think I would prefer to call it "mundane") about myself.
1. I am very particular about the seat I choose at the table when I eat - either at home or out. I have this need to be with my back to a wall. If it is a restaurant and the table is not near a wall I will choose the seat with the least going on behind it. I don't like to feel that there are things going on that I am missing. Growing up our table had only one solid wall surrounding it and I sat against it. From there I could see the kitchen and anyone entering it from the rest of the house, the driveway, the front door, the living room, the deck and the street below where anyone arriving would have to pass by.
2. When I read a book I read every word in the darn thing! And I mean EVERY word! From the copyright info through the acknowledgments to the commentaries - even if they are praise for another book the author has written. And I do it not because of some weird superstition but because I actually enjoy it!
3. I have a bizarre unease and loathing about listening to the messages on my answering machine. My outgoing message actually states that I don't listen to them very often so if the caller needs to reach us in a timely manner they should call our cell phones ( numbers I don't provide on said message - I figure if I want to talk to them they already have that #). I don't know why I dislike listening to the messages as much as I do. I often put off listening to them until the machine is full - sometimes this takes upwards of 2 weeks! Which just makes it an even less enjoyable task because then it takes soooo long to do!!! I sometimes think I should just get rid of the thing, but I keep it because even though we do have caller ID we screen our calls if we don't recognize the #. A habit I developed when I had very small children and it was often inconvenient to answer the phone while I was nursing or reading books, or both or the noise level was just not conducive to conversation.
4. I have a series of abdominal and glute exercises that I do whenever I drive in the car and have the cruise control on.
5. I am a butt watcher. Yup - I love butts. I have very particular ideas about what makes for an attractive okole. I saw a lady on a show like Oprah (may have actually been Oprah but I no longer remember) who had a similar obsession and was a photographer who had published a coffee table type book of great butt shots. She stopped regular folks with butts she admired and asked to photograph them from behind for her book. It was the first time I'd heard of anyone else who was an admirer like me. I saw that show when I was about 12? and have since looked for the book without success - I guess others didn't "get it" like me.
5. I am completely overcome with emotion watching great dancers - and by great I don't necessarily mean from a technical standpoint, but the ones who dance with their hearts engaged. I experience a welling up of joy and gratitude and tears stream down my face and I can't stop smiling all at the same time. My body becomes electrified and I can "feel" what they are dancing!
6.I love christmas carols and sing them all year long.
Urgent care for my Uvula
5 years ago
I love Christmas carols too, and know some medieval and Renaissance Christmas music I can sing too!
An on your need to sit in a particular place, whenever I go to dinner with people, I always take the last seat because I really don't care. I ask them if they have a preference, or if they need to have their backs to a wall or backs to the window. I know some people don't feel safe with their backs to a roomful of strangers, and some people (my husband whose eyes are pale blue) are very bothered by sunlight when they're trying to relax.
Cool! (And I would gladly listen to your messages for you if it were convenient for me to do so. Can someone else in your family listen and take notes for you maybe?)
I don't listen either :) We moved in October, I distinctly remember listening to the messages once... that might be the only time!
Generally, I always answer my cellphone, so I figger if anyone *really* needs to talk to me, they'll call me there.
Great list, I may just be inspired, as well ♥
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